Weekend Watchlist: Automobiles the Sequel


How did your movie plans go over the weekend? Did Cars 2 end up getting you into the theater, or did you sit through Bad Teacher? Did you have a chance to catch up on any old movies?

One thing that I watched this weekend that I simply must point out to you is the fantastic stand up Does This Need to Be Said? from Craig Ferguson. It’s currently avaialble for instant view on Netflix, so if you like good comedy, check it out. And hey, here’s a clip!

Tell us how you made all your movie dreams come true this weekend.

Here comes the weekend! Time for Transformers! Giant robots and explosions and — hey, what? It’s not out until next Wednesday? Well, if you’re looking forward to Transformers, let us know anyway. It’ll be a Mid-week Watchlist special.

Not that there’s nothing to see this weekend, as we’ll see Cars 2 finally coming out. I’m sure a good few of your beloved Flixist staff members will be seeing it; we’re kind of in to Pixar, if you hadn’t noticed.

Bad Teacher is the other big one, serving to remind us that Cameron Diaz is a person. I am rather impressed by the tagline, “Some teachers just don’t give an F.” Genius. Probably better than the actual movie, but we’ll see.

Let us know your weekend plans down in the comments!