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20,000 Leagues to shoot in Australia

David Fincher’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Captain Nemo has been offered a tax incentive to film in Australia by its government. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Australian government is offering Disney a 30 percent location rebate worth about AUS $20 million. Disney executives were to meet with the federal arts minister Simon Crean to finalize the details of their incentive before the studio gives the green light for the production.

The 30 percent incentive is rather high because it sits at 16.5 percent normally for foreign productions. The Wolverine was provided with a 30 percent incentive in what was supposed to be a one-time incentive. Now it seems that locations marketing agency Ausfilm is lobbying the government to keep it permanently at 30 percent to increase the incentive to film in Australia.

If Disney goes through with this, this is will become the most expensive production to date in Australia.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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