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6 Kung-Fu Pandas, 4 Madagascars, 3 Dragons, 1 dead horse

This week, Empire sat down with Dreamworks Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenbrg about the future of his company. His response: MOAR SEQUELZ! Katzenberg stated that he’s looking for there to be a total of six movies in the Kung-Fu Panda series, four with Madagascar, and at least three with How to Train Your Dragon, withMadagascar 3 and How To Train Your Dragon 2 already well into production.

I really don’t understand why it is necessary for so many sequels other than monetary reasons. There’s no redeeming quality to any of these films (except for How To Train Your Dragon) and even if there was, there’s risk in running a franchise into the ground (see: Ice Age). Shrek got tired after the second film and bothMadagascar and Kung-Fu Panda got tired within the first twenty minutes of the first films. While I can’t speak for How To Train Your Dragon and despite hearing how good and charming it was, I doubt it warrants two more sequels already. This is the exact reason why I’ve never cared for CGI animated movies from a company other than Pixar (even though they’re making a sequel to Cars of all things). Rather than challenging themselves creatively with new IPs, they’d much rather churn out the same product. I’m surprised they letShrek rest after only four movies, but that’s still yet to be seen, as I’m sure they will squeeze out just one more movie.

Someone please call the ASPCA.

[Via Empire]

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