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8-bit movie posters give you a pixel porn fix

As I get older, I find myself more and more drawn to retro gaming. (Full disclosure: I’m almost 97 years old.) Not that I don’t dig new games or anything, but there’s something to be said about the warm feelings I have toward sprite-based graphics and old school sound cards, even those bizarre farty noises from the Sega Genesis that cannot be reproduced.

Eric Palmer’s work on these movie posters gives me the same sense of warmth. Each of the films is distilled into a pixely representative image. You can almost hear the chiptune versions of the film music in your head. In our gallery, we have a sampling of this 8-bit goodness. To look at all of the 8-bit movie posters, check out Eric Palmer’s gallery on Behance.

[Eric Palmer on Bhance via First Showing]

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