Tom Cruise talks Rock of Ages, hip hop, alien ghosts


Ok, maybe not the alien ghosts part. But you know he’s always thinking about it. The star of such films as Leaked Scientology Training Video, That Oprah Meme, and Risky Business opened up a bit about his performance in the upcoming adaptation of the Broadway smash Rock of Ages. Cruise, if you’ve forgotten, is playing aging rocker Stacee Jaxx, who rolls into town and corrupts a youth (Julianne Hough) with his ways. He had this to say on the jump from scene-stealing dancer/executive Les Grossman from Tropic Thunder to Jaxx:

I had started dancing because I was inspired by my wife. She kept saying, ‘You’ve got to do a musical sometime…[Katie Holmes] is a dancer, so she would say, ‘Let’s go to dance class,’ and she would take us and that’s how I kind of came up with the idea of Les Grossman doing hip-hop. And then to take it to this level with this? It was really fun.

Basically, Tom Cruise said that it was fun to do this role because it was fun to dance, and he was inspired by his wife. You can also look at a shot of Cruise as Stacee Jaxx in the gallery. Look, it’s a slow news day, and Max made a great header for it. I don’t see any reason why just posting this header isn’t enough reason to write this up. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to my fabulous Internet Writing Wealth.

[Via Collider]