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Aasif Mandvi joins cast for The Internship

I’ve always liked Daily Show heartthrob Aasif Mandvi, who has signed onto upcoming Shawn Levy comedy The Internship. While, in my opinion, his talents for comedy are significant, he’s also been quite endearing as both a dramatic actor and a straight man. He featured recently in Margin Call, carried a supporting role in the pridefully serious “comedy” Ghost Town, and who could forget his turn as a vengeful dentist on Oz who inflicts the horrible stigmata of ethnic gums on a white supremacist inmate? (Oz was dumb.)

The Internship reunites Wedding Crashers Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as aging salesmen attempting to insinuate themselves into the high tech marketplace via internships at a stand-in for Google. Mandvi will support as the head of the internship program, who will likely look on disapprovingly at their antics while providing a positive racial message to the audience by being coordinated and well-meaning amid the capricious follies of these two goofy white guys.

Shawn Levy is most known for directing the Night at the Museum films. The Internship will be his return to comedy following 2011 “science fiction sports drama” Real Steel, which I’d never heard before writing this news post and am now off to watch.

[via Deadline]

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