After the Credits: Defter theatrics


I was a little drunk really bored having a completely normal Friday night when I decided to hit up the anagram creator. Also an anagram of After The Credits: A Chested Fritter, Retraced The Fist, Catered Fresh Tit, Decaf Her Titters, and many more. Gotta save some of them for the next time I feel like making the Internet be clever for me.

As with most Fridays, we hit the reviews hard and fast, so catch up on them. Sounds like Drive is the flick to see this weekend. If you missed any of the new releases, check everything out and make a swift decision to not see Straw Dogs.

Reader, fetch tits.

Interview: Ryan Gosling, Drive
Flixist will be talking to Tommy Wiseau!
Should you see the Lion King in 3D?
Star Wars Retrospective: Introduction

Review: The Skin I Live In
Review: Straw Dogs
Review: Drive
Review: I Don’t Know How She Does It
Review: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

New Logan’s Run poster by Tim Doyle
Van Damme and Chuck Norris in Expendables 2
Tarsem Singh’s Snow White rushed into production
Ghostbusters gets rereleased; bustin to make me feel good
Snoop Dogg to star in Fillmore Slim biopic
Ash not showing up in Evil Dead remake
Kevin Costner pulls out of Django Unchained

Trailers and Video:
Trailer: The Muppets: Pig With the Froggy Tattoo
Trailer: Burning Man
Trailer: The Awakening
Trailer: 13
Lucasfilm to fight cancer with lightsabers
Trailer: Premium Rush