Sure, there’s another holiday coming up really soon, and it has been getting quite a lot of attention here at Flixist, but we’re going to go ahead and make today Blooper Day. Mostly because I want to post bloopers.
So here we have a reel from Step Brothers, which I really didn’t like very much. It just wasn’t a very good or funny movie, but certainly not as bad as some of Ferrell’s stuff. The blooper reel is rather NSFW, so you’d better be careful while viewing.Â
Once that’s done and you’ve had your own personal Blooper Day celebration, read up on the news and many, many reviews from the last couple of days. More reviews are coming, so be ready!

Watch this video on YouTube
Sure, there's another holiday coming up really soon, and it has been getting quite a lot of attention here at Flixist, but we're going to go ahead and make today Blooper Day. Mostly because I want to post bloopers.
So here we have a reel from Step Brothers, which I really didn't like very much. It just wasn't a very good or funny movie, but certainly not as bad as some of Ferrell's stuff. The blooper reel is rather NSFW, so you'd better be careful while viewing.
Once that's done and you've had your own personal Blooper Day celebration, read up on the news and many, many reviews from the last couple of days. More reviews are coming, so be ready! {{page_break}}
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Events and Community:
Hendricks and Munn to show up in Don't Know How She Does It
CalArts students make asTRONishing Disney character skins
Mondo releasing limited edition True Grit posters TODAY!
Wiseau Watch: The Room to be re-released in 3D
Tales From the Rumor Mill: Heather Morris as Buffy?
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