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#AlamoJedi: Alamo Drafthouse is having a bonkers Star Wars marathon with prizes

The Force Awakens is just 10 days away, nerds–10 days! You got your tix? You feel the hype flowing through you?

Okay, how about a Star Wars marathon? That sound good? Maybe a marathon that includes a chance to win great prizes?

Well, the Alamo Drafthouse is having a Star Wars marathon/contest for seven lucky fans.

But alas, this could be a rough deal once you hear what this marathon and contest involves. It’s more difficult than shooting proton torpedoes into a two-meter exhaust port.

Starting at 4am on December 17th, seven pre-selected fans will watch the first six Star Wars movies. They will then watch The Force Awakens. And then they will watch The Force Awakens again. And again. And again. And again in an endless loop until there is just one person left standing.

This sounds like going to the Willy Wonka factory and getting mangled in the taffy maker.

The survivor of this madness, if not left a drooling mess, will win a 7-year pass to Alamo Drafthouse theaters (nice!), a theater seat named in their honor complete with naming ceremony (not too shabby!), select Mondo Star Wars prints (sweet!), and a complete set of Topps Star Wars trading cards (what is this, 1988?).

To enter the contest, use the hashtag “#AlamoJedi” on social media and show off your Star Wars fandom. For complete rules, click here.

[via /Film]
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