Anthony Hopkins looks amazing as Alfred Hitchcock!


This very first still from the upcoming Alfred Hitchcock biopic Hitchcock (how goddamned original) shows Anthony Hopkins looking very eerily like the British filmmakers. No matter what sort of performance we’ll see out of Hopkins, he’s definitely got the look down. Of course, it’s an easy crutch in this sort of biopic to make the actor look as much like the subject as possible and expect Oscars up and down the place. Which, honestly, is probably going to happen. It’s an Alfred Hitchcock biopic, for f**ks sake. The former Mr. Lecter is going to get an Oscar nomination by default.

This is actually the second Hitchcock picture coming out in the next couple of years. The other, The Girl, is being released specifically for BBC2 with Toby Jones as The Hitch and focusing more on his relationship with Tippi Hedren, the star of The Birds

[Via People]