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Assassin’s Creed pulls in another female lead in Ariane Labed

Yes the Assassin’s Creed movie is actually happening this time we promise. With Michael Fassbender behind it and Marion Cotillard all signed up, plus promotional posters announcing the release date of December 21, 2016, there’s no way they can back out of it now. That means more casting news as well. 

Alicia Vikander left the film last week and she’s being replaced by Ariane Labed. We still don’t know what role they’ll be playing, but we can assume it’ll be some sort of love interest because that’s how Hollywood do. 

There’s plenty of mythos for director Justin Kurzel to hop into here and if any game franchise could be changed into a movie it’s Assassin’s Creed. What’s unclear is how closely it will all follow the games. Will we be hopping back and forth in time or simply playing it straight in the past? For my money I don’t think they need dual story lines. They may have played an integral part in the game, but it just isn’t as important in the film. Ditch em’ I say.

[via Deadline

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