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Ben Kingsley could be bald and intense in Ender’s Game

The upcoming Ender’s Game movie has a number of parts going for veteran actors and following the news that Harrison Ford was being chatted up to take over as Colonel Graff after Viggo Mortensen turned it down, Sir Ben Kingsley is the next big name to be strongly linked with the film, reportedly as Mazer Rackham, a war hero thought dead whose victories are used as propaganda.

To be honest, Harrison Ford sounds better for this part than Ben Kingsley does, given his history as an action hero. Sir Ben, on the other hand, is most famous for playing Gandhi. He’s got the age and intensity for sure, but doesn’t look like someone with a history of military fighting. Still, to my mind he has been phoning in his roles for years, so perhaps I am biased against him. He certainly has his fans though, so hopefully he’ll do them proud if he signs on.

[Heat Vision, via Collider]

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