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Billy “role model” Bob Thornton calls movie industry awful

So I’m writing up my review for Faster while gulping gravy, which will be published later tonight after I’m done fondling a turkey with my tongue, and as I’m writing about how awful his new movie is I see Billy Bob have the audacity to say this about the rest of the movie industry:

“In our current state of affairs, especially in the entertainment business, we’re living in a time when we’re making — in my humble opinion — the worst movies in history. . .  these games are people killing for fun, and I think traditionally in movies, there’s always been some kind of lesson in the violent movies.”

Looks like someone doesn’t spend enough time with their kids, or perhaps his kids picked up a poor taste in games from their father’s poor taste in movies. Certainly his recent revenge film #32,768 has a big, new lesson for the world to learn.

It would be easy to point to the header image above and joke that Billy Bob himself is no stranger to violent films, or how Bad Santa‘s “lesson” was drowned out by alcohol and arguable child abuse for humor, but instead I’ll just tell you…

So I'm writing up my review for Faster while gulping gravy, which will be published later tonight after I'm done fondling a turkey with my tongue, and as I'm writing about how awful his new movie is I see Billy Bob have the audacity to say this about the rest of the movie industry:

"In our current state of affairs, especially in the entertainment business, we’re living in a time when we’re making — in my humble opinion — the worst movies in history. . .  these games are people killing for fun, and I think traditionally in movies, there’s always been some kind of lesson in the violent movies."

Looks like someone doesn't spend enough time with their kids, or perhaps his kids picked up a poor taste in games from their father's poor taste in movies. Certainly his recent revenge film #32,768 has a big, new lesson for the world to learn.

It would be easy to point to the header image above and joke that Billy Bob himself is no stranger to violent films, or how Bad Santa's "lesson" was drowned out by alcohol and arguable child abuse for humor, but instead I'll just tell you to wait until the Faster reviews are posted tonight to see for yourself why his judgment of quality isn't trustworthy. Until then, Billy, shut up and enjoy your Thanksgiving. Alone. Without Jolie. Or your wife before that. Or your third wife. Or your second wife. Or the first. Sucks, doesn’t it? Maybe if you had a hobby to pass the time . . .

[Via Destructoid]

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