Box Office Numbers: A mutant serenade


It’s hard to call the debut weekend of X-Men: First Class disappointing; it landed in first place and brought in $56,000,000. Still, I can’t help but look at the numbers from previous weeks and feel like this is more modest than it should be. The Hangover Part II brought in about thirty million more. Thor brought in ten mil more its first weekend. Is this a cause for concern or an expected outcome for yet another X-Men movie?

Regardless, hooray mutants! You win the weekend. Enjoy your trophy and try not to eat it.

1. X-Men: First Class — $56,000,000

2. The Hangover Part II — $32,445,000

3. Kung Fu Panda 2 — $24,300,000

4. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides –– $18,010,000

5. Bridesmaids — $12,128,445

6. Thor — $4,200,000

7. Fast Five — $3,243,650

8. Midnight in Paris — $2,916,224

9. Jumping the Broom — $865,000

10. Something Borrowed — $835,000

Source: Rentrack