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Box Office Numbers: Otra vez

Earlier in the week, I joked that Transformers might just beat out all of the new movies that came out this weekend. It seemed like a silly thing to say; surely Horrible Bosses or Zookeeper would entice enough people away from the giant robot movie.

Looking back, I realize that this, of course, was going to happen. Horrible Bosses is an r-rated comedy with a relatively unknown cast and Zookeeper is a Kevin James movie where Kevin James acts like Kevin James and does Kevin James stuff.

So, yeah, the numbers you’ll find below make perfect sense. Don’t doubt the power of giant robots.

[Via Rentrak]

1. Transformers: Dark of the Moon — $47,025,000

2. Horrible Bosses — $28,110,000

3. Zookeeper — $21,000,000

4. Cars 2 — $15,209,000

5. Bad Teacher — $9,000,000

6. Larry Crowne — $6,264,480

7. Super 8 — $4,825,000

8. Monte Carlo — $3,800,000

9. Green Lantern — $3,125,000

10. Mr. Popper’s Penguins — $2,850,000

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