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Chick Flix Club: A Primer

[Chick Flix Club examines films within the female driven comedy/drama genres (otherwise colloquially referred to as “chick flicks”) in order to understand why we may or may not adore these flicks despite not being in the intended demographic] 

“Chick flicks” get a really bad rap. No matter how good or bad a particular film is, they get lumped together in a category that is ill defined. Take Terms of Endearment for example. It is a heart wrenching tale of disease and loss, yet it is shares the same genre with obvious masterpieces such as 27 Dresses. Good or bad films with female lead characters in romantic or dramatic situations are automatically labeled “chick flicks.” The moniker assumes that women will, and should, enjoy these films regardless of race, sexuality, or tastes. 

The label “chick flick” is derogatory for both women and men who enjoy film. As a pinnacle of Spanish manliness, I’d be shunned by my fellow members of the Manhoodship Enterprise (a really real club, mind you) if I admitted I liked Spice World, Bride Wars, or Sunny. The term “chick flick” segregates potentially great films from certain demographics. I for instance, know someone who wouldn’t watch Titanic because of the romance. This is where the Chick Flix Club comes in. 

When you watch as many “chick flicks,” (or “films,” as I like to call them)  as I have, you find that any movie can be a “chick flick” as long as it can answer yes to these questions:

1. Does the film have a female protagonist who is an outsider?

2. Does a male lead (or life event) suddenly come into the female’s life and help her evolve as a character?

3. Is there random man candy? 

4. Does the female lead suddenly become the most important person in the world by the end? 

Using these questions, you’ll find a load of other films you might not have guessed were supposed to be “chick flicks” such as Alien, The Terminator, Kill Bill, Halloween and the Scream films. Each month here on Flixist, we’ll examine a film under the “chick flick” umbrella and go over the merits and faults of each film. Maybe we’ll share a personal story, maybe we won’t. The main goal of the Chick Flix Club, however, is to celebrate strong female characterization, well written romances, compelling drama and the good films that stem from it. 

If not, we’ll be glad to tear down a film that makes the rest of the genre look bad. 

If you want to read more of the Chick Flix Club right meow, here are a few notables: 

Thelma and Louise

Set it Off

The Terminator

Pretty in Pink

Mean Girls

Dirty Dancing 


The CFC will be back in September with…She’s All That.

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