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COBRA Commander wants you

So the viral marketing for G.I. Joe: Retaliation is finally getting into gear. With this, they have launched “new members” to their military force at, and have released a new video that mimics those U.S. Navy recruitment videos you see on TV or YouTube. To make it even more authentic, they got Keith David, who does voice over work for the real U.S. Navy commercials, to do the voice over for COBRA. Paramount Pictures has also released some viral recruitment posters to go along with their ad campaign.

While I knew that this was a viral video, if this had popped up on the TV, I probably would not have realized that this was a fake recruitment video until the very end. They are marketing this movie hard with having COBRA members going to big events across the nation before this comes out on March 29, 2013.

I will probably see this when it comes out simply because it looks pretty awesome overall. Will it be a cinematic masterpiece? Definitely not, but I hold a special place in my heart for the G.I. Joe brand.

[via First Showing]

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