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Coming to America 2 gets original’s screenwriters



The Coming to America sequel might make the least sense of all sequels ever, but it’s happening. The Tracking Board has confirmed that Paramount is mounting the Eddie Murphy led sequel and has pulled in the original film’s screenwriters, Barry Blaustein and David Sheffield, to develop the script.

The thing is that there just isn’t any demand for this in any way. The film is decades old and I’d argue a large chunk of the world doesn’t remember the original. It is a classic, but it isn’t the sort of movie that’s gaining traction as it ages. But even if we disregard that, who is really demanding more Eddie Murphy right now? It’s not like he’s trending… at all. Finally, Coming to America might be Blaustein and Sheffield’s only truly funny movie. Since then they’ve written a string of subpar comedies, never reaching those heights again.

This just screams bad idea all around.

Nice to see Aresnio working again, though.

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