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Companies to add “Netflix” button to devices

Good news for all you Netflix fanboys! Word is, Sony, Sharp, Toshiba, and other companies are planning on installing a “Netflix” button to their newest versions of TVs and Blu-ray players. What this means is that you’ll finally be able to reach your instant watching queue at the click of one, count it, one button.

I, for one, welcome our new streaming overlords. No longer will I have to struggle with multiple remotes, button presses, and mentally taxing decisions like “Should I watch Zombie Strippers on my 360 or PS3?” All I have to do is look down at my remote, and there the goodness shall be.

Well, okay, it might not really improve my quality of life, but it does feel like quite a symbolic blow to Netflix’s competitors, especially cable on-demand services. It will become even harder to shell out the big bucks for an on-demand cable release with a Netflix button is staring you in the face. Not to mention that the cost of many of those cable releases could cover a whole month of instant watching fun.

Now, if only they could start putting up less crap for streaming, then we would be in great shape….

Good news for all you Netflix fanboys! Word is, Sony, Sharp, Toshiba, and other companies are planning on installing a “Netflix” button to their newest versions of TVs and Blu-ray players. What this means is that you’ll finally be able to reach your instant watching queue at the click of one, count it, one button.

I, for one, welcome our new streaming overlords. No longer will I have to struggle with multiple remotes, button presses, and mentally taxing decisions like “Should I watch Zombie Strippers on my 360 or PS3?” All I have to do is look down at my remote, and there the goodness shall be.

Well, okay, it might not really improve my quality of life, but it does feel like quite a symbolic blow to Netflix’s competitors, especially cable on-demand services. It will become even harder to shell out the big bucks for an on-demand cable release with a Netflix button is staring you in the face. Not to mention that the cost of many of those cable releases could cover a whole month of instant watching fun.

Now, if only they could start putting up less crap for streaming, then we would be in great shape. You hear me Netflix? Less Secret Life of the American Teenager, and more Breaking Bad, please.


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