Dark Knight Rises t-shirt design contest; Nolan is judge


This is a really cool opportunity for anyone into art, design, and graphic tees. Design By Humans is holding a contest for people to create their own Dark Knight Rises t-shirt. The best entries will be personally selected by Christopher Nolan and producer Emma Thomas.

The contest is open from now until midnight of April 11th. Of all entries, 10 finalists will be picked, from which Nolan and Thomas pick the top three. There’s around $13,000 in prize moolah for the finalists, with the big winner getting $3,500 and bragging rights.

A couple rules apply, of course. If you want to use a Batman logo, you have to use the official emblem from The Dark Knight Rises. Any depictions of The Joker, Two-Face, or Scarecrow are not allowed. (It says nothing about Orca or Kite Man!) Full rules and more details can be found at the official site for the Dark Knight Rises T-Shirt Design Contest.

My entry is above. Face it, mooks — you’ve already lost. I’ma gonna win.

[Design By Humans Via Comic Book Movie]

Hubert Vigilla
Brooklyn-based fiction writer, film critic, and long-time editor and contributor for Flixist. A booster of all things passionate and idiosyncratic.