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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes gets posters, release date

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the sequel to the reboot Rise of the Planet of the Apes, hopes to capitalize on the potential Rise left behind. Showing off one last battle between the humans who survived the virus in the last film and Caesar’s troop of monkey soldiers, we have a few new posters for the upcoming film than don Caesar and his Kong bros in war paint. And boy do these look amazing. Andy Serkis will still do Caesar’s motion capture acting, and if his glare in the poster is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat. 

In one interesting bit of news, Fox also bumped the film’s release date to a week earlier, releasing July 11th instead of the 18th. Why is this interesting? Because Fox believes they won’t have to compete with Fast & Furious 7 that weekend. After Paul Walker’s death, the F&F7 production team decided to indefinitely halt it to figure out what they could do. While they’ve made no official announcement that they’re changing their set release date (which would mean we’d get one a year), Fox seems to think they’re not going to make it. Hmm, what do you all think? 

[via Collider]

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