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Enter King’s Dominion with the Deadly Class Trailer

Rick Remender’s hit comic is coming to SyFy next year, and today fans received the first look at Marcus, Saya, and Master Lin, among others. Set in mid-80’s San Francisco, Deadly Class is what would happen if Charles Xavier created a school for troubled youngsters and instead of producing superheroes with strong moral fiber, turned them into assassins. There are bad people in the world, and Master Lin has a list. 

The story follows Marcus Lopez, a teen with a questionable past and no real family to speak of. After a brush with authorities and some help from strangers, he finds his way to King’s Dominion School of the Deadly Arts where he’s welcomed with sinister smiles and hidden blades. Marcus quickly learns the cliques of the school and faces the toughest tests of his life as he forges a new path. 

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