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Final Fantasy XV CGI film, anime spin-offs announced

Last night’s “Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV” event was a long time coming for Final Fantasy fans as Square Enix unveiled more information on the next entry in the popular franchise. While some of the information was leaked earlier in the week, there were still a few surprises left for the night, namely the announcements of two spin-offs meant to further build upon the Final Fantasy XV lore.

Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV is a CGI prequel focused on the titular “Kingsglaive,” a Knights of the Round Table-esque group of elite soldiers sworn to protect the land. The kicker? The cast will feature such luminaries as Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad), Sean Bean (Game of Thrones), and Lena Heady (Game of Thrones). Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV will be available later this year on streaming platforms, Blu-ray, and as part of the Final Fantasy XV Deluxe and Ultimate Collector’s Editions. You can watch the trailer and read the film’s synopsis below.

The magical kingdom of Lucis is home to the world’s last remaining Crystal, and the menacing empire of Niflheim is determined to steal it. King Regis of Lucis commands an elite force of soldiers called the Kingsglaive. Wielding their king’s magic, they fight to protect Lucis. As the overwhelming military might of the empire bears down, King Regis is faced with an impossible ultimatum – to marry his son, Prince Noctis to Princess Lunafreya of Tenebrae, captive of Niflheim, and surrender his lands to Niflheim rule. Although the king concedes, it becomes clear that the empire will stop at nothing to achieve their devious goals, with only the Kingsglaive standing between them and world domination.

Anime fans can read more about Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV and watch the entire first episode below the jump!

[via Destructoid, Japanator]

Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV is an anime prequel focused on Final Fantasy XV‘s main protagonist, Prince Noctis, and the brotherhood he shares with his closest friends. The short anime series will be streamed for free on YouTube leading up to the game’s release on September 30th. An exclusive sixth episode will be included in the Ultimate Collector’s Edition. A-1 Pictures, the studio behind Persona 4 The Golden Animation and Your Lie in April, is behind Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV.

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