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First official trailer for Poltergeist

Did you all know there was a Poltergeist remake in the works? Normally we’re on top of these things, but this one seems to have slipped under the radar. The original Poltergeist still scares the heck out of me, so I don’t know how effective a new take on the same story will be, but I’m hoping it can be that kind of scary for folks who’ve never seen it before. We’ve seen haunted house movies come and go, but this is the one that should stay. 

Looking at the first trailer for the remake, and well it’s exactly the same. But oddly, I can’t say that’s a negative thing here. Take the original but add better effects and Sam Rockwell? I think I’m game. But when will these studios learn that we don’t care who produced these movies (But it’s directed by the same guy who did Monster House, so that’s a plus)? Poltergeist haunts theaters July 24th. You can peep some images and the film’s poster in the gallery below. 

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