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First trailer for Jumanji: The Next Level offers up some elderly twists

Sometimes we’re just wrong here and back when Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle came out Rick was just damn wrong about it. I mean, to each their own, but he was wrong. The movie was fun as hell. However, when the inevitable sequel was announced it wasn’t clear how they’d make the gag work a second time. Now we know: Old Man Rock and Old Man Kevin Hart. 

As you can see from the first trailer Danny DeVito and Danny Glover get sucked into the Jumanji game this time and it basically means that The Rock and Kevin Hart get to act like old people, which I’m all in for. The action actually looks pretty solid as well with that monkey bridge sequence being crazy bananas. However, the trailer wisely highlights the humor of the movie, which makes sense since that’s what sets apart the previous film from your standard action fare. Well, that and the Rock’s smoldering. I mean… swoon.

Jumanji: The Next Level will land on December 13, 2019. 

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