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First trailer for Regression features Emma Watson and creepy hoods

Alejandro Amenábar, director of classic modern horror films such as The Others, is returning to the screen with the first trailer for his new film, Regression.  Set in a 90’s era Minnesota, Regression seems to follow Amenábar’s talent for making the familiar seem suddenly unsafe.  The film stars Ethan Hawke and David Thewlis as a detective and psychologist, respectively, who are trying to get to the bottom of some insofar mysterious and unsettling events that a shaken Emma Watson has been witness to.

And hoo boy, is there some creepy stuff going on with some quick glimpses of hooded figures and some dark rituals taking place.  It’ll be quite a trip to see what exactly is going on when the film releases this summer, on August 28th.  Check out the trailer for yourself to piece together what kinds of goings-on are going down.

After all, no good can possibly come out of that many people in dark hoods in one place.

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