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First Wreck-It Ralph poster is deliciously old school

The official poster is out for Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph, the story of a videogame villain who wants to be a hero in other arcade games. It’s minimalistic, sporting the 8-bit visage of the main character Ralph from his game (or at least the modern approximation of his game, since I don’t think that the NES had those specific colors, but maybe this is from similar arcade hardware, but they’re obviously going for the NES look specifically and oh god why am I talking about this).

I like the poster, though it looks pretty different from the concept art we saw a few months ago. It helps sell the videogame aspect of the story, but I wonder if there will be some disconnect between audience expectations and the presumably CG animated look of the actual film. Wreck-It Ralph is a solid concept with the opportunity for lots of fun cameos and gags, especially with Futurama‘s Rich Moore directing. Here’s hoping we see a trailer soon!

[Via MSN Entertainment]

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