For people who get frustrated waiting for thirty-second popcorn to microwave or have their bedrooms lit in strobe, here are five mini-trailers for Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch that have zero hint of plot, collectively take about forty-five seconds to watch and consist of about 60% shared footage. In other words, they’re perfect clips for everyone who is really looking forward to Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch.
While acknowledging that I’m in a minority, this film looks to me like the worst kind of visual masturbation. Geeks like fetish outfitted girls, samurai, dragons and robots, right? Let’s stuff them all in, coherence be damned. I hate to be all critic-y, but this kind of self-indulge has only ever worked if backed up by a strong sense of direction and purpose. From what we know of the story so far, Sucker Punch‘s narrative revolves around a fetch-quest, which stopped being enthralling around the time of Donkey Kong 64(and has never really worked on film). This takes me back two years to a time when another director tried to emulate a moderately successful visual style from his previous film with no consideration for anything as boring as plot. For all who…

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For people who get frustrated waiting for thirty-second popcorn to microwave or have their bedrooms lit in strobe, here are five mini-trailers for Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch that have zero hint of plot, collectively take about forty-five seconds to watch and consist of about 60% shared footage. In other words, they're perfect clips for everyone who is really looking forward to Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch.
While acknowledging that I'm in a minority, this film looks to me like the worst kind of visual masturbation. Geeks like fetish outfitted girls, samurai, dragons and robots, right? Let's stuff them all in, coherence be damned. I hate to be all critic-y, but this kind of self-indulge has only ever worked if backed up by a strong sense of direction and purpose. From what we know of the story so far, Sucker Punch's narrative revolves around a fetch-quest, which stopped being enthralling around the time of Donkey Kong 64 (and has never really worked on film). This takes me back two years to a time when another director tried to emulate a moderately successful visual style from his previous film with no consideration for anything as boring as plot. For all who argued back then that such stuffy concerns didn't matter, I'm sure Sucker Punch will prove to be just as enjoyable as The Spirit.
Four more clips follow after the jump. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.{{page_break}}

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