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Flixist 2011 Mega Sweet Fall Movie Preview of Radness

It’s coming. Can you hear it? That’s the sound of summer ending and fall rolling in, and that means we start the slow and steady build to award season. The blockbusters trail off and all the hopeful contenders for Oscar wins start to crowd in. Fall (and a bit of winter) is full of big budget dramas, major directors and, of course, Christmas movies. But how will you know what to see?

That’s why we’re here. There’s tons of films landing between September and the new year, but we’ve narrowed it down to our favorites. Below you’ll find the list of the films we’re most excited about. They might not all be Oscar contenders (in fact they definitely aren’t), but they’re all going to be interesting.

Except Twilight. We just put that in there because we’re afraid of teenage girls.

50/50 (9/30/11)

50/50, starring two of my favorite actors in Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, is based on Rogen’s real-life friend’s battle with cancer. Of course, in typical Rogen/Evan Goldberg (Rogen’s writing partner) fashion, they find a way to express humor in dire situations. With Jonathan Levine (The Wackness) at the directing helm, 50/50 is shaping up to be an early fall fun film. – Geoff Henao

Trailer 1, Trailer 2

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (9/30/11 – Limited | 11/29/11 – DVD)

One of the more interesting films I have seen in early 2011 was the 2010 Canadian film Hobo with a Shotgun. One of the more interesting films I will be seeing in late 2011 will be the 2010 Canadian film Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. It’s a horror comedy film… with universal critical acclaim. Seriously, the film has a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes with 22 reviews. What the fuck? – Alec Kubas-Meyer


The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) (10/7/11)

I was seriously uncomfortable watching the first Human Centipede. It wasn’t scary, though. It was just disgusting. Everything we know about Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) suggests much the same. The film has already been banned in the UK for extremely disturbing, graphic content. There hasn’t been much in the way of trailers (how can you cut a trailer with a movie that’s reportedly this depraved?), so I don’t have a lot to go on, but I’ve committed myself to see the movie in theaters. Possibly with a bucket on hand. –Alex Katz

Trailer (The ACTUAL one, not that stupid one where we just watched people watch it)

The Ides of March (10/7/11)

Believe it or not, The Ides of March is not a retelling of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, though don’t think for a second that there won’t be some backstabbing. A political drama featuring George Clooney, Ryan Gosling and Marisa Tomei, the film has some of the same promise as great political flicks such as The Candidate and Bulworth. It will not, however, feature music from Pras and ODB. The film was originally slated for a limited release in 2011 and a wider release in 2012 before being moved up. Take that how you will. Were you to be cautious about this one, no one would blame you. -Andrew Kauz

Real Steel (10/7/11)

Real Steel features robots punching the f*** out of each other in a ring for our entertainment. It also features Hugh Jackman in an Over The Top-esque father/son bonding through the training of an extreme sport, but who cares … IT HAS ROBOTS PUNCHING EACH OTHER IN THE FACE. Seriously kids, this one is a no brainer. Will it be shallow? Sure. Will the characterizations and plot points be generic and borderline simple? Probably. Will it feature laughable pantomime fighting and a ridiculous training montage? It better! Still, it has ROBOTS, and they are PUNCHING EACH OTHER IN THE FACE. Most importantly it manages to have robot punching without the side effect of having Shia LeBouf present, so already this one is a winner. -Andres Bolivar

Trailer 1, Trailer 2

The Big Year (10/14/11)

The Big Year is a story about three men (Owen Wilson, Jack Black, and Steve Martin) that try to spot as many rare birds as possible for a competition. It’s no secret Jack Black and Steve Martin aren’t on the tops of their games anymore. Both have made some pretty bad movies recently, and could stand a return to form (or former glory). They are certainly still capable of bringing the funny, and that’s where I hope Mister Wilson comes in. Fresh off his surprisingly successful Midnight in Paris, Wilson might be the key to taming these two. Did I mention this film was about birdwatching? Yes, it could be awful, but its possible it will have enough memorable jokes and good enough acting to be worth the price of admission. -Sam Membrino


The Thing (10/14/11)

The Thing has been catching a lot of flack from my fellow compatriots. Sure it’s reasonable to be weary of a prequel/remake of a film that is classic and damn near perfect, but I must remind you that John Carpenter’s The Thing is itself a remake of The Thing From Another World and that movie is flippin’ awesome. While I share the disappointment in choosing CGI over practical effects, it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an expansion of a universe I love ever so much and I can’t wait to experience more of the paranoia based horror that the the franchise is so famous for (if you haven’t yet, play The Thing video game … it’s perfect in executing this). Plus, it has Mary Elisabeth Winstead with a flame thrower, and for some weird reason that REALLY turns me on. -Andres Bolivar

Trailer 1, Trailer 2

The Three Musketeers (10/21/11)

The 1996 version of The Three Musketeers is a fantastic film. Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland, Tim Curry, Chris O’Donnell, and more round out a strangely well-suited cast. Fifteen years later, the classic Dumas tale is getting yet another adaptation (what is this, the eighteenth?) in 3D and with a bit of “steampunk” flair. This likely either sounds amazing or completely awful to you. The steampunk influences will likely either make or break the film, or at least give you some reason to see a film that couldn’t possibly live up to a film featuring Oliver Platt as Porthos. -Andrew Kauz


Martha Marcy May Marlene (10/21/11)

This movie completely blindsided me. I’ll admit, I didn’t pay attention to it because, come on, that’s a dumb damn title right there. It sounds like a nursery rhyme. When I finally saw the trailer, I was blown away. You don’t see too many movies about cults and people escaping them/getting sucked into them, especially not ones that try to use the material realistically. John Hawkes, one of the most underrated actors working today, looks to be giving a command performance as the cult’s charismatic leader. There’s also a great deal of mystery surrounding the movie, as the trailers are the rare sort to try and not give the plot away, just set up a sense of pace and tone and mystery. I might call it the best trailer of the year. I cannot wait to see how the final film stacks up. –Alex Katz

Trailer 1, Trailers 2 and 3, International Trailer

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey (10/21/11)

There is no trailer available yet for Being Elmo: A Puppeteer’s Journey, but I am still super excited. The documentary follows the life of Kevin Clash, the voice, movement, and life behind Elmo, from his 1970s childhood in Baltimore to his current position leading the other puppeteers at Sesame Street. I’ve always thought it would be so cool to be a puppeteer, so I can’t wait to see how Clash has gotten as far as he has. The only downside is that the film is narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, but I’m willing to deal with her for the sake of puppets. – Jenika Katz

In Time (10/28/11)

I loved Gattaca and Lord of War. If you loved those films, you’ll probably love this film as well. Director and writer Andrew Niccol is capable of creating such immersive societies in his films. He knows how to chronicle the lives of his characters so you can relate to them or at the very least understand them. It is for that reason that I have the utmost confidence in his next effort, In Time, the chronicling of a society in which time is the ultimate currency and no one ages past 25. Those with lots of time on their meters are rich and youthful, while those with little time left are poor and close to death. Justin Timberlake (give him a chance, guys) plays a guy on the poor side of the equation who suddenly runs into more time than he’d ever need… but now he’s accused of murdering the man who gave it to him in the first place. He grabs a hostage (Amanda Seyfried) and tries to outrun the heat before they can catch up to them… – Jamie R. Stone


Puss in Boots (11/4/2011)

Antonio Banderas is starring in the Shrek franchise spin-off Puss in Boots come November. Full disclosure, the character of Puss looks a lot like my own cat, and that is one of the major driving forces of why I want to see this movie. In Puss in Boots, Puss has to save the goose who lays the golden eggs, continuing with the real-life fairy tale thing that has become a mainstay of the Shrek series of movies. Also Salma Hayek plays a girl kitty! I could listen to her and Banderas’ voices all day. – Liz Rugg


A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas 3D (11/4/11)

Let’s get something straight: I’m not in the target demographic for the Harold and Kumar movies. But I absolutely love them. Yes, they’re completely dumb and stupid. But you know what? That’s what I love about them. Just like the lovable stoners in the movie, the Harold and Kumar flicks always bring a smile to my face. And this one doesn’t look like it’ll break that tradition of stupid hilarity. This looks like the perfect way to kick the holiday season off in earnest. – Max Roahrig


J. Edgar (11/11/11)

Clint Eastwood directing. Leonardo DiCaprio starring. Historical film about a controversial figure. Oh, hey there Oscar statue! What are you doing hanging around here? OK, so even if this movie is Oscar bait it is so because it actually looks like it’s going to be fantastic. We already know DiCaprio can rock this era from his turn in The Aviator and J. Edgar Hoover is an insanely interesting person. It’s unclear how this could be bad. Maybe if aliens took over Eastwood’s brain and DiCaprio is actually Leonarda DiCapria, an untalented impersonator of DiCaprio, then it could suck. I doubt those things happened though. – Matthew Razak


Melancholia (11/11/11)

Lars, Lars, Lars. Lars, Lars, Lars, Lars, Lars. Never one to miss an opportunity to grab attention for his movies through what can politely be described as a distinctive sense of humour, director Lars von Trier got himself thrown out of Cannes after joking at a press conference for Melancholia about having sympathy for the Nazis. Even Kirsten Dunst looked horrified, which is quite something considering it sounds like dear uncle Lars has put her through the same wringer as all his other actresses. Ever see what he did to that poor Nicole Kidman in Dogville? Deary me. Anyway, Melancholia is von Trier’s take on an end-of-the-world movie, also serving as an allegory for the depression he has suffered from for most of his life. Expect stunning visuals, families being torn apart and Dunst thoroughly degraded in the name of ‘art’. It should be more accessible than Antichrist – what isn’t? – but don’t go in unless you’re fully prepared for chaos to reign once more. That’s why we love you, Lars. – Xander Markham


Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 (11/20/2011)

This is a thing that is happening. I hear some people care a lot about it, but I am not one of them. Yes, the films in the series have gotten progressively better as they’ve gone along, but that is no way thanks to the idiotic story or entirely annoying characters. It basically had to with budgets increasing and werewolves biting people. Plus, considering they started from terrible they really only had up to go. This will be worse than any of them though because even the fans didn’t like this book. Everyone I’ve talked to who read it said the ending is pretty much awful and ruined everything. Considering I thought it was ruined from the beginning I’m not even sure I can stand watching this. – Matthew Razak


A Dangerous Method (11/23/11)

A Dangerous Method is a historical(ish) film directed by David Cronenberg and starring Viggo Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, Keira Knightley and Vincent Cassel. The movie is about at love-triangle between Carl Jung (Fassbender), his mentor Sigmund Freud (Mortensen), and Sabina Spielrein (Knightley), a psychiatric patient of Jung, with whom he has a torrid affair. Also there is a lot of spanking involved. Need I go on? – Liz Rugg

Trailer 1, Trailer 2

Hugo (11/23/11)

The Invention of Hugo Cabret, the book which inspired Martin Scorsese’s film, is a truly wonderful thing. It can read in about an hour, and is absolutely worth your time (again and again). The book, which is more pictures than text, is shockingly cinematic, so I am curious to see how an actual adaptation will look. Either way, I am cautiously optimistic, and if it sucks? I’ll go read the book again. – Alec Kubas-Meyer


The Muppets (11/23/11)

Who couldn’t be excited about The Muppets? Sure, the Muppets have had their rough times (I’m looking at you, Muppets From Space), but they’re still a lot of fun overall. Their transition to Disney doesn’t mean those good times have to be over. The trailers look amazing, and while I usually don’t like to get my hopes up, especially when trailers can be so misleading, I’m putting my faith in this one. I mean, the Muppets are getting back together, and they’re doing so with music by Bret McKenzie. That is awesome. – Jenika Katz

Teaser 1, Teaser 2, Teaser 3, Teaser 4, Trailer

Piranha 3DD (11/23/11)

Piranha 3D was an incredibly gory, yet awesome so-bad-it’s-good movie about piranhas that somehow appear in the bay area of a town in where ever. The 2nd outing looks to be a similar concept, except the twist now is that it’s taking place in a water park! Joy! I rather enjoyed the first film for taking a crack at Spring Breakers in how completely unruly they are. Now they’re taking a crack at amusement parks, which is way overdue in my opinion. People in those places are like cattle, just being herded from one attraction to the other. I know, I used to work in one… but instead of people being processed and chopped up into little bits, people are processed while fun is dispersed in varying amounts, I guess… The last film was in 3D, but given this new title, Piranha 3DD, I guess it will be in even more 3D this time around or something… I’m glad the film-makers have a sense of humor. –Jamie R. Stone

The Sitter (12/9/11)

The Sitter stars the still-chubs-in-this-film-but-now-skinny Jonah Hill as a suspended college student who must babysit a group of kids. However, as is standard for such scenarios, shenanigans erupt as he gets caught up in a plethora of things ranging from drug dealers to sex parties. The film is directed by David Gordon Green, who directed the un-funny Your Highness, the moderately funny Pineapple Express, and the underrated Snow Angels, and a few episodes of the amazing Eastbound & Down, so let’s see which version of him we’ll get. – Geoff Henao

Red Band Trailer

The Iron Lady (12/16/2011)

Meryl Streep looks a little creepy in this photo, but that’s because Margaret Thatcher is a little creepy. Already you see what a great actress she is and I have a feeling that all of Iron Lady is going to once again confirm that fact. It will lead to a nomination for Streep this year, but by this point that’s a foregone conclusion. So what’s going to separate this amazing performance from every other amazing Streep performance? The subject matter. Margaret Thatcher might be one of the most interesting (and powerful) women in history and her story is truly amazing. It’s going to make great movie time and Streep is going to make great acting time. – Matthew Razak


Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (12/16/11)

I haven’t seen a Mission Impossible movie I didn’t like. The first was a surprisingly effective spy thriller, the second one was mental retardation in a leather jacket and sunglasses, and the third was the pilot of Alias, but with Philip Seymour Hoffman. The newest entry in the series, the live-action debut from director Brad Bird, looks to blow all the other entries out of the water. While Tom Cruise may, arguably, not have the same action hero chops as he once did, the presence of Jeremy Renner, who is possibly poised to take over the franchise, is enough to get me in the seat day one. In a season where we’ve got a new David Fincher movie AND a new Spielberg AND the triumphant return of Kermit the Frog, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is still one of my top choices for the rest of the year. – Alex Katz


Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows (12/16/2011)

Guy Ritchie’s first Sherlock Holmes was the best movie the director had made in some years, transforming Arthur Conan Doyle’s ferociously intellectual, if somewhat drug-addled, sleuth into a Victorian action man, while staying just faithful enough to the source material that it felt more entertaining revision than Hollywood desecration. If there was one serious complaint, it was that there wasn’t as much effort put into the mystery as there was the set-pieces, and the trailers for the sequel, Game Of Shadows, worrying hint at that being the case again. However, Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law’s inspired partnership as Sherlock and Watson continues to be an engaging prospect, while Mad Men‘s Jared Harris could be a sterline addition to the cast as ultravillain Professor Moriarty. Stephen Fry’s in it too, for those not yet sick of the sight of him. Game of Shadows could go either way, but fingers crossed. The game is afoot! – Xander Markham


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (12/21/11)

A remake of a Swedish movie from 2009 adapted from a best selling novel. Sounds dreadful right? Well, you could be right. But the more I see from the David Fincher directed remake, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo looks better and better. From the breathtaking cinematography, to the score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, I’m more than excited for this movie. But I’m also ready for my heart to be broken. Let Me In burned me pretty badly when it was released last year, so hopefully this isn’t a repeat of that nightmare. – Max Roahrig

Trailer 1

The Adventures of Tintin (12/23/2011)

I have been a huge fan of Tintin for as long as I can remember, and I think I have read every Tintin in existance, save “Tintin and the Soviets”. Having started with such classics as “The Crab with the Golden Claws” and “The Blue Lotus”, and eventually moving through the ranks, I quickly fell in love with the lively characters and intrigue that filled the comic’s pages. I even got my hands on a 1946 copy of “Tintin in the Congo”, which is just as racist as you can imagine. The HBO Tintin series did a great job keeping with the tone and style of the comics, and it seems from the early art and trailers that Spielberg and Co. seem to share these sentiments. Of course, I am a little worried that he will jazz it up with, you know, extra BOOM and WHIZZ, but that won’t keep me from theaters come Christmas time. -Sam Membrino

 Trailer, International Trailer

aaron stern <>, Adam Dork <>, amber <>, Andrea Razak <>, Andrew Kauz <>,, Anthony Prestia <>,, Big Dumb <>,, Dan Landau <>, David Schultz <>,,, Gabe <>, Greg Wyshynski <>, Greg Wyshynski <>, Jerry Wohlgemuth <>,, Justin Shapiro <>, kate farquhar <>,,, Lea Mae Rice <>, Madison Welch <>, Matt Melnicoff <>, Meghan Williams <>, Mike Kochis <>,, Patrick Murray <>,, Rebecca Halik <>, Robert Hartman <>, “” <>, “” <>,,,, William Gordon <>,,,
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