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Flixist Awards 2011: Best Comedy

The wonderful thing about a good comedy is that no matter what topic it’s covering, you’re going to walk out with a smile on your face. It doesn’t matter if the subject is a washed-up crew of out-of-touch actors (The Muppets), a rare, deadly cancer (50/50), a plan to murder an irritating boss (Horrible Bosses), or a bomb strapped to your chest (30 Minutes or Less); a well-made comedy can get a laugh out of almost anything, no matter how unlikely it seems.

But what movie will bring earn the Golden Dactyl for Best Comedy of 2011? The answer is below!

This year’s award goes to The Muppets, Disney’s reboot of the most beloved group of puppets ever to grace the screen. (And no, I don’t need to hear any rebuttals from overzealous Fraggle Rock fans.) While nothing can ever replace Jim Henson and his original crew, the new movie stays true to our fuzzy nostalgia while successfully hurling the cast into the 21st century.

Not only is it full of plenty of funny moments, sly gags, and musical numbers, it achieves what I thought was nearly impossible: matching the long-abandoned sincerity of The Muppets Movie in an age of forced emotions and layers of irony. Bravo, Disney. Here’s hoping for a revived Muppet Show in some form. Wocka Wocka!

Voting Breakdown
The Muppets – 5
A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas – 2
30 Minutes or Less – 1
50/50 – 1
Horrible Bosses – 1
Kung Fu Panda 2 – 1
Midnight in Paris – 1

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