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Flixistentialism is engaged to ScarJo so ask questions!

Scarlett Johansson is off the market again (which explains the unified cry of all the men on Earth you heard the other day) as she’s engaged to Romaine Lettuce. And while that guy has a face and seems like a real person, each of us on the Flixistentialism staff have taken turns pretending to be that guy. Admittedly it was harder for me since I’m a giant and the rest of the cast are built like tea kettles, but we got the job done. Now we’re gonna marry her. 

Oh yeah, we’re also back recording tonight to discuss the big pieces of news that went down while we were away. Please leave your question below or drop us a Twitter line: @dredose (for Dregory), @LizRugg (for Liza Minelli), @videocognito (for Geofferson Meat Market), and @Valdezology (for me!). 

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