As I mentioned today when discussing the latest La La Land trailer, I’m a bit of a sucker for musicals. If I’m feeling down, I know I can pop in an old MGM musical and at least feel a little bit better through the day. Even a cult musical (The American Astronaut, Forbidden Zone) can get me going in dark times.
Where am I going with this? I don’t know. Segue.
Musicals are tough to stage since so few people make them nowadays, and this behind-the-scenes featurette on La La Land goes into how Damien Chazelle crafted the film.

Watch this video on YouTube
Really wish this has screened at the New York Film Festival. The color, the tunes, and that sense of joy and melancholy I’m getting from the film all but guarantee that it’s up my alley. (Happy-sad is the best kind of sad, and an acceptable kind of happy when out of everything else.)
La La Land is out on December 9th in select cities. It opens wider on December 16th.
[via /Film]