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Golden Cages 2020: Best Supporting Actor

The Golden Cages 2020 Best Supporting Actor

2020 is finally over but before we send it off to the trash heap it deserves to be in, it’s time for the third annual Golden Cages, Flixist’s extremely coveted prize! Each year the Flixist staff gets together to vote on the best and worst films of the year and gives you lovely readers our true and honest thoughts. Plus since there are no other awards shows this winter (suck it Academy!) we’re now the de facto voice of truth in the film industry. So read on dear viewer and see which films win our lovely little award!

When you go see a movie there will be a number of factors that influence what you watch. It could be the lead actors, the story, the director, or a number of other things. One of the things that can best help you remember a movie is a supporting character. They have more freedom to be comic relief or just go a little more wild with their performance. The actor the Flixist staff has decided is our winner of the Golden Cage for Best Supporting Actor of 2020 is none other than Hugh Grant for his performance in The Gentlemen.

Hugh Grant has been making a habit of stealing the show or, at the very least, leaving an impact in a supporting role over the past few years. Who could forget his hilarious turn as the narcissistic aspiring actor, Phoenix Buchanan, in Paddington 2? He may not steal the show in quite the same fashion like that, but he definitely stands out as the private investigator Fletcher. Fletcher is tasked with digging up dirt on Matthew McConaughey’s Mickey Pearson and decides to sell to the highest bidder. He is also an aspiring screenwriter who has turned everything he found into a screenplay, titled Bush, that is included in the deal along with all the evidence he has collected. Fletcher is crass and exuberant with his intentions and just about every other word is a swear. Basically, he’s a blast to watch.

Fletcher’s back and forth with Charlie Hunnam’s Raymond is a fun framing device that also acts as an unreliable narrator since Fletcher may not have seen all the angles being played. Fletcher breaks into Ray’s house, helps himself to his alcohol, and requests a steak from the man he’s trying to extort throughout the film. Grant was clearly having fun with the role and brings a snarky demeanor to a character that could’ve been irritating if played by someone else. Grant has clearly found his groove again with playing supporting characters and it is working well. He’s proven that he can play against his leading man type and do so with bravado and that is why he is our Best Supporting Actor for 2020.

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