Site icon Flixist

Halloween Week over! Next up: Harry Potter Week!

We did it! We survived our first Flixist weekly theme! What’s a Flixist theme week? Simple! We plan on reviewing every old movie ever made, but there’s no point in wandering through them all randomly. As Reviews Editor I plan on working with the reviews team to nail out a logical path through the chaos. When Christmas comes by, we’ll do an Xmas Week. If a new Pixar movie is coming out, then we’ll setup a Pixar Week. Or if a new Bond movie is coming up, I’ll gladly unleash an entire Bond Month!

During a weekly theme we not only group together similar movies, but also ask readers to get involved. Bringing the community together is the main goal, and if it’s a week you’re personally interested in, then don’t be shy. Make a top ten list or an editorial about your favorite character from a relevant series. Or if you absolutely hate the theme that week then speak up and shout out a dissenting voice. And please never hesitate to suggest which themes you’d love to see show up in the next month or two!

Next on our list is a full week (11/15-11/21) dedicated to …

We did it! We survived our first Flixist weekly theme! What's a Flixist theme week? Simple! We plan on reviewing every old movie ever made, but there's no point in wandering through them all randomly. As Reviews Editor I plan on working with the reviews team to nail out a logical path through the chaos. When Christmas comes by, we'll do an Xmas Week. If a new Pixar movie is coming out, then we'll setup a Pixar Week. Or if a new Bond movie is coming up, I'll gladly unleash an entire Bond Month!

During a weekly theme we not only group together similar movies, but also ask readers to get involved. Bringing the community together is the main goal, and if it's a week you're personally interested in, then don't be shy. Make a top ten list or an editorial about your favorite character from a relevant series. Or if you absolutely hate the theme that week then speak up and shout out a dissenting voice. And please never hesitate to suggest which themes you'd love to see show up in the next month or two!

Next on our list is a full week (11/15-11/21) dedicated to Harry Potter that will lead up to the Deathly Hallows Part 1 release in theaters. Will the weekly columns (Movie Trivia, Movie Debate, etc) thrive on the world of J.K. Rowling? Yep! Will we review every movie in the series? Yep! Will we have a few feature articles prepared? Yep! Will we want you to join in on all of the above with us? Of course!

It was so much fun redesigning the site's background image last week while our coders got the community blogs up and functioning. This brand new site is just as much your site as it is ours, and I can't wait to see what themes we cover in the future. Be our guiding voice. We have holidays covered, but other than that, which film themes do you want us to focus on in the next two months? Don't be shy! Every comment counts!

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