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HBO pushes out two more Game of Thrones teasers before the season premiere

HBO gave us not one, but two Game of Thrones teasers over the past 48 hours as the countdown towards the final season marches onward. In less than two weeks the final season begins, but for now, let’s dive into the two new teasers.

“We must fight together now, or die”

Tyrion is at his finest when he’s given a floor on which to speak. He’s one of–if not the–smartest characters on the show and a true wordsmith. Here he pleads the case of unification with Jon and Dany in the background. We don’t know who he’s motivating, but in all likelihood, it’s the leaders of the forces who actually showed up to aid in the fight against the Night King.

There’s a new look of Jon and Dany in front of a hearth. Dany staring into the flames as Jon broods off in another direction. The previous trailer showed the two in the crypts, and many believe it’s here where Jon told Dany about his lineage. That still may be the case, as Dany and Jon are going to have a long chat about Bran’s Breaking News segment and what it means for the two and the Iron Throne. But first, they have to survive that pesky Army of the Undead.

There are quick cuts of Beric and his fiery sword with his pal Sandor Clegane looking on with uncertainty. There’s Jon hacking away. There’s Cersei with a look of…is that worry? Concern? Whatever it is, it’s a look she hasn’t shown in quite some time. We’ve seen Varys and Tyrion and Davos with a plethora of others, but never all three together as they are on the battlements of Winterfell looking skyward. Three advisors joining for the first time is sure to spark some incredible dialogue as preparations are made.

From here it’s a fast shot of Jon running, flames asunder behind him as he reminds everyone how tireless and unforgiving the enemy is. Soldiers press onward in the blistering cold before a disheartenedly fleeting glimpse of Arya once again in battle. Cue the undead horse hoof stomping the snowy ground and Drogon releasing a volcanic burst. Ice and Fire indeed.

The second teaser is all new footage and hauntingly titled “Aftermath.” Remember the part in The Hangover, where it’s the morning after and the camera pans through the room of trashed couches and a chicken? That’s what this is like, but without the chicken.

Usually, a still flying Stark banner is a good thing, but the tattered direwolf sigil bears ill will. As the camera sweeps through the remains of Winterfell, we see unused dragonglass weapons, doors battered, railings splintered, and crypts…empty? And what are those totems scattered throughout the keep and the courtyard?

There’s Tyrion’s Hand of the Queen pin (:20 mark) and Arya’s most treasured gift, stuck with the pointy end. Outside, the feather from Lyanna’s tomb (:27), first placed by Robert then picked up by Sansa, flutters to the ground where Bran’s wheelchair lies in pieces. On the ground, being buried in snow is hand made of gold (:37) and a dragon chain draping a broken wheel. Most disturbingly–more than Jaime’s hand or Needle being left behind–is Longclaw, laying against a mound of snow (:43). The pommel protruding as the Valaryian steel becomes encased with winter is a dire sign indeed. It’s no secret how rare the sacred steel is, but also how important it is against White Walkers and the Night King. Speaking of, is that him silhouetted at the gate as the snow swirls around the Mormont house sword? And if people died at Winterfell, where, pray tell, are the bodies?

The questions are piling up like the bodies at a bastard’s battle. Fortunately, the beginning of the end is in sight, for better or for worse. 

Game of Thrones returns to HBO for its final season on April 14th.  

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