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Her and Interstellar cinematographer to join Bond 24

One major worry for Bond 24 being as good as Skyfall was that cinematographer Roger Deakins wasn’t returning, His cinematography for the film set it apart from some of the more rote Bond films and should have netted him an Academy Award. Filling those shoes is tough, but Eon seems to have made a good choice by bringing in Hoyte van Hoytema to fill the role when shooting begins in December

If you don’t know the name Hoytema is the cinematographer behind Her, Interstellar and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy to name a few. With Mendes returning it sounds like Bond 24 is set to have a striking visual style once again. Whether Hoytema can live up to Deakins’ work is questionable, but it should still look great. 

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