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Here are the 2011 Golden Globe winners

So they’re done! All in all a pretty good award show, though Gervais wasn’t as daring (or insulting) as he was the year before. It kind of seemed like everybody was prepared for his barbs and thus could respond back. That fact made the presenters funnier than him for most of it. Anyway, awards are the reason we’re here, right?

I was actually surprised by the win for Best Picture as I didn’t think The Descendants had enough buzz at all to register, but there it goes with the win. Also, a surprise was Scorsese getting the nod for Hugo. The things the man did with 3D in that movie totally deserve it, but I didn’t see it coming. I’m glad The Artist picked up the awards it did, but definitely think Octavia Spencer shouldn’t have won as most of the other nominees gave stronger performances.

My only other question is why the hell My Week With Marilyn was in the comedy and musical categroy. Glad it gave Michelle Williams a chance to win, but doesn’t make much sense.

Supporting Actor, Motion Picture: Christopher Plummer, Beginners
Best Score: Ludovic Bource, The Artist
Best Original Song: Madonna, “Masterpiece,” W.E.
Actress, Comedy or Musical: Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn
Best Animated Feature Film: The Adventures of Tin Tin
Best Screenplay, Motion Picture: Woody Allen, Midnight in Paris
Best Foreign Language Film: A Separation
Supporting Actress, Motion Picture: Octavia Spencer, The Help
Director, Motion Picture: Martin Scorsese, Hugo
Actor, Comedy or Musical: Jean Dujardin, The Artist
Actress, Motion Picture: Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
Best Musical or Comedy: The Artist
Best Actor, Motion Picture: George Clooney, The Descendants
Best Picture: The Descendants

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