Hugh Grant to star in Aardman’s adaptation of PIrates!


Guys, you have no idea how excited I am by this news. Aardman Animations, the geniuses behind the fantastic Wallace and Gromit series, will be adapting Gideon Defoe’s hilarious Pirates! series of books. The studio will be adapting the first book in the series, Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists, and it will be in theatres on March 30, 2012. The cast includes Hugh Grant as the Pirate Captain, David Tennant as Charles Darwin, and Jeremy Piven as Black Bellamy.

If you guys haven’t read these books yet, drop whatever you’re doing and get on it! You can breeze through each book in about a day, and they’re about the funniest damn books ever written. I’m being completely serious, drop everything and go read these books. You’ll thank me later.

[via Aardman]