Jackie Chan’s Chinese Zodiac hits US spring/summer 2013


There’s finally word on the US release of Jackie Chan’s Chinese Zodiac, his 101st movie and his last balls-to-the-walls action flick. Ramy Choi (director of distribution and acquisition at Chan’s Jackie & JJ International Limited) revealed that the film will play a few hundred screens in the US some time in the spring or summer. Choi did not reveal the distributor yet since the deal is still being finalized.

Even though reviews of Chinese Zodiac have been pretty mixed to negative so far, I’m still interested to check it out. I’m headed to Asia for a little bit next month, so I may try to catch this overseas if I can find time. The Hollywood Reporter notes that Chinese Zodiac has fared well at the box office throughout Asia except for in Hong Kong, where it’s trailing behind The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 and Wreck-It Ralph.

Stay tuned for more release details on Chinese Zodiac in the coming weeks.

[Via The Hollywood Reporter]

Hubert Vigilla
Brooklyn-based fiction writer, film critic, and long-time editor and contributor for Flixist. A booster of all things passionate and idiosyncratic.