Joe Wright slams Sucker Punch over female empowerment


At a sneak peak of his latest film, Hanna, at last week’s Wondercon in San Francisco, director Joe Wright called out Zach Snyder’s flick Sucker Punch, calling its female empowerment “bullsh-t”. Speaking with Movieline, the director went on to say that “That isn’t girl power, that isn’t feminism. That’s marketing bullsh-t. And I find it very, very alarming.”

Hanna herself, Saoirse Ronan spoke on the topic as well. “In my opinion, the reason that Hanna is so empowering is because she is a young girl who is not in sexy clothing and is not sexy, really, in any way…” While I haven’t seen Hanna, I don’t think Ronan’s character is the best role model for girls. Though, she is certainly a better showcase of female empowerment than Sucker Punch’s, Sweet Pea, or Baby Doll.

Look, at the end of the day, Hanna is still killing people because her dad raised her in a, oh how should I put this, hostile environment. She is entirely reliant upon her father, who taught her everything she knows about ass-kicking. It’s my hope that young women turn to better female characters in movies, who are entirely self reliant. Like Shoshanna from Inglorious Basterds, Princess Leia from Star Wars, or Officer Anne Louis from Robocop.

[via Movieline]