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John Carter fanbase demands a sequel, makes a trailer

Having seen John Carter, I can attest to its enjoyability, both as a film critic and a sci-fi film fanatic. It may not be of the same ilk as, say, The Matrix, but it was quirky, fun and had a lot of heart. I haven’t read the books, nor did I really know too much about John Carter before the film was announced a year ago or so, but if there’s one thing John Carter proved to me, it’s that a lot of passion and love went into it, and I’d like to see where they take this franchise. Apparently I’m not the only one, as there was a Facebook group created to support a sequel as well as a site with a featured article, Scott D. Parker: In Defense of John Carter, a letter from the fan that started all of this hubbub.

Despite the film costing a whopping $250 million, it only took in about $30 million at the box office this past weekend, making John Carter a flop by industry standards. And while it’s nice to hear the clamoring of fans for a sequel, not to sound cynical, but a Facebook group comprised of just over a 1,000 people doesn’t seem like the lifeline this film needs. So, go out and do your part. If you liked the film, take another trip to the cinema this weekend. Watch it on the big screen before it becomes no longer possible to do so. Perhaps it will do better on DVD and Blu-ray, but what it really needs now is butts in seats… or at least monies at box offices.

Hit the jump to check out a fan-made trailer for John Carter that seems to do a better job hyping up the film than any of the trailers before it. The trailer seems to be in sort of a “Bruckheimer-ish” or perhaps even “Virbinski-an” style, which lends itself well to this epic story, I think. I love butchering people’s weird names and adding suffixes to them, by the way.

[Via Collider, YouTube]

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