Justin Bieber’s 3D documentary/concert film Never Say Never is ridiculous enough, but this just makes me sad. Within twelve hours of being put on sale, tickets for the film’s preview screening have been selling like hotcakes. What kind of hotcakes? The kind that sell 26,000 out of 100,000 available hotcakes. Except instead of hotcakes, I mean tickets. Yes, that’s clunky phrasing. I’m too busy trying to keep myself from committing suicide with a broken shard of a hot sauce bottle to bother with grammar or syntax.
Granted, the preview comes with Beiber-branded 3D glasses, lanyards, glow sticks, and bracelets, but this is 26,000 tickets bought in the time it takes me to digest a t-bone steak. I’m posting a Beiber song as the header here. Explain to me in 50 words or less why he’s so huge, and I’ll send you my still-beating heart.
[Via The Wrap]

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Justin Bieber’s 3D documentary/concert film Never Say Never is ridiculous enough, but this just makes me sad. Within twelve hours of being put on sale, tickets for the film’s preview screening have been selling like hotcakes. What kind of hotcakes? The kind that sell 26,000 out of 100,000 available hotcakes. Except instead of hotcakes, I mean tickets. Yes, that’s clunky phrasing. I’m too busy trying to keep myself from committing suicide with a broken shard of a hot sauce bottle to bother with grammar or syntax.
Granted, the preview comes with Beiber-branded 3D glasses, lanyards, glow sticks, and bracelets, but this is 26,000 tickets bought in the time it takes me to digest a t-bone steak. I’m posting a Beiber song as the header here. Explain to me in 50 words or less why he’s so huge, and I’ll send you my still-beating heart.
[Via The Wrap]