Kevin Feige practically vomits cool Marvel Studios tidbits


In a webchat with L.A. Times readers, Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, tossed out about a million little bits and pieces of hints at future Marvel Studios projects from Thor to Avengers and everything beyond. He basically does the world’s best job of saying a whole hell of a lot whilst, in reality, saying very, very little. It’s kind of amazing, really. You can find all the good stuff, from the state of Iron Man’s armor to what the Punisher is up to below the jump.

In a webchat with L.A. Times readers, Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, tossed out about a million little bits and pieces of hints at future Marvel Studios projects from Thor to Avengers and everything beyond. He basically does the world’s best job of saying a whole hell of a lot whilst, in reality, saying very, very little. It’s kind of amazing, really. You can find all the good stuff, from the state of Iron Man’s armor to what the Punisher is up to below the jump.{{page_break}}

  • On the status of Iron Man’s armor in the upcoming Avengers: “…the best part about making an Iron Man movie is deciding which of his many armors to debut. Joss would kill me if I gave anything away, but I will say that the evolution you saw his armor take in IM2 will continue in The Avengers.”
  • On the tradition of easter eggs like Cap’s shield in Iron Man 1 & 2: “As long as people are excited to find hidden secrets, we'll continue to hide them.”
  • On Thor’s human alter ego, Don Blake, showing up in Thor: “…people looking for a reference to Don Blake in the Thor film will find one.” The plot shows nothing of a human granted the power of Thor, so look for some tounge-in-cheek thing where Thor picks up a lab coat trying to escape the SHEILD facility, and the name on the badge is Dr. Don Blake.
  • And what about the other big summer movie out of Marvel, Captain America? “…working on the Cap trailer now. You should be seeing one in the new year.”
  • He also gave a little bit of news regarding The Punisher. “Punisher's back in house, and various plans are in the works.” He later talks about the future of R-rated Marvel films. “We're definitely open to it. Blade was a great franchise for us.” Here’s hoping these two statements are connected.
  • We also get an acknowledgement, of sorts, that Thor’s Asgard will be a little more along the lines of Walt Simonson’s epic Thor work, where Asgard itself is really much more of a cosmic entity than a group of gods. “I love the cosmic marvel universe. Thor is our first step into it and from there, anything's possible.” You just heard me giggle like a girl at the thought of other big cosmic Marvel movies.
  • Also, a roundup of all the pictures Marvel is currently considering, “Ant-Man, Haweye[sic], Blade, Rom Spaceknight[!!!], another Hulk, Civil War, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and more!”
  • The saddest news, at least for me, was his acknowledgement that the previously-rumored ten-minute character-based shorts that were to open the next few Marvel movies are sadly only that. “The shorts rumor was just a rumor, but we do like the idea.”

Lot of little things here, but it’s all cool stuff. If Marvel makes a rockin’ Doctor Strange movie while I’m still alive, it will be the best day in the universe.

Via Hero Complex]