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Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein to direct Underworld 4

I was going to Photoshop Sweden’s map into the moon terrain in the image above, but man does Sweden look like a dilapidated dong. In slightly more interesting news, they’re going to make another Underworld movie¡ No, that’s not a Spanish exclamation point, nor a Swedish one, but instead my way of showing how sarcastically excited I am about this news. Kate Beckinsale is so hot! Werewolves and vampires are so cool¡ See? It’s a lie detector test.

With the recent success overseas (for once, America is the “overseas”) of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and Let the Right One In, and now with two Swedish directors taking on the next Underworld, Sweden may be an uprising trend in Hollywood.

Filming is expected to start in March of next year in Vancouver, making this news post the closest thing to a geography lesson I’ve had since a whole bunch of miners got trapped in Chile. In the meantime we can look forward to watching the Swedish directors’ recent movie, Shelter, which is yet another multiple personalities movie. I can’t wait¡

[Via HollywoodReporter]

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