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Marjane Satrapi helming psychological thriller The Voices

Marjane Satrapi has done great work with co-director Vincent Paronnaud. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed their the adaptions of Satrapi’s graphic novels Persepolis and Chicken with Plums. Now Satrapi is set for a solo directorial effort, The Voices. Written by Michael R. Perry (Paranormal Activity 2), The Film Stage describes the film as follows:

…[The Voices] follows an evil cat and a hero dog who talk to their owner, Jerry Hickfang, “a lovable but strange bathtub factory worker who yearns for the attention of a woman in accounting.” Our main character is then led down “a fantastical path that ultimately brings him to salvation” by this two talking pets.

With a conceit as strange as that, I’m at least intrigued. It sounds like we’re in for a trip into odd territory — part dark comedy, part drama, part fantasy — somewhere between Davey and Goliath and David “Son of Sam” Berkowitz. Should be interesting to see what the pairing of Satrapi and Perry can do, and how Satrapi will handle material she’s not adapting from her own work. The Voices will begin production in 2013.

[Via The Film Stage]

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