Marvel and Disney+’s Moon Knight has been an incredible short-lived journey. In anticipation of the finale this week, Marvel Studios across multiple released the final trailer titled “Rise” to hype up viewers for the last episode.
Interestingly enough, they changed the wording on their social media channels from “series” finale to “season,” so a second season isn’t out of the question. A user caught this on Twitter, and of course, everyone is hoping for more Marc/Steven. Moon Knight may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it brought something different and unique to the MCU. It also continues with the theme of a new chapter focusing on the more supernatural aspects of the universe.
Episode 5 left us with Marc seemingly in the Egyptian after-life known as The Field of Reeds, and Steven stuck in the Duat (underworld) encased in stone. The goddess Taweret was asked to contact Layla and free Khonshu from his stone prison so that they could stop Harrow from unleashing Ammit on the world. Sadly, as shown in Episode 5, souls are already being sent to the underworld at an alarming rate. And as Taweret pointed out, “before their time.” This means that Ammit has been freed and is killing everyone, judgment or no judgment.

Via; Marvel/Disney
The season finale has a lot to wrap up in only 45 minutes, so hopefully, it does a fantastic job and gives us a good post or mid-credit scene. Many fans would love to see Oscar Issac return to the MCU in a second season or future projects. No confirmation yet on what the plan is for the character. However, if the trailer is any indication, we are in for a truly epic battle.