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Michael Bay confirms he is back for Transformers 5

Michael Bay has made progressively worse Transfomers  movies since the original film was released and they have made progressively more money. Despite the fact that he’s constantly talking about leaving the franchise he has yet to pass on the torch and in an interview with Rolling Stone he’s confirming that he’ll be back again for the firth iteration. 

“I’m doing Transformers … 5, is it? I’ve taken on a lot of work. … It’s fun to do a movie that 100 million people will see. But this is the last one. I have to pass the reins to someone else. J.J. [Abrams] told me, ‘You’re the only guy that could do this.’ But it’s time to move on. One more.”

God, is that quote so Michael Bay. He name drops J.J. Abrams and claims he’s basically the only guy who could possibly handle something as big as Transformers. Who knows, that could be true, but considering how bad the last one was I’m not really sure he can handle anything involving giant robots anymore. I love me some Bay, but his schtick with everyone’s favorite robots in disguise grew stale around the second movie. I was hoping the 5th would breathe some new life into the franchise, but it looks like we’ll just be getting more of the same. 

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