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Michael Bay’s Ninja Turtles reboot pushed back to 2014

We’ve been keeping tabs on the Michael Bay-produced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reboot for some time. This includes the alien-origin kerfuffle and Bay’s subsequent rebuttle, and recent news about Vanilla Ice’s starry-eyed dreams of being involved in the film. (I’d rather see a sequel to Cool as Ice than listen to a remix of “Ninja Rap”… unless the remix of “Ninja Rap” appears in the sequel to Cool as Ice. Villain: Canadian rapper Snow.)

Turns out there’s a temporary snag in the reboot’s production. Paramount wants the script to be looked over and reassessed. The Hollywood Reporter notes that Paramount has also delayed G.I. Joe: Retaliation and the problem-plagued World War Z. So far the delay on the Ninja Turtles is 10 weeks, though initial reports suggested that production had ceased indefinitely.

As of now, the TMNT reboot is aiming for a May 16, 2014 release. It was originally planned for Christmas Day 2013 so it would be fresh in mind for Oscar consideration.

Superhero Hype notes that the turtles in the film will be created through motion capture technology a la Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The 10-week delay will also allow additional time to properly clone Andy Serkis and train said clones to do simple, menial tasks.

[Via THR, Superhero Hype]

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