Mondo releasing Guillermo Del Toro Criterion posters


The Criterion Collection put out The Devil’s Backbone on DVD and Blu-ray this week, one of Guillermo Del Toro’s bona fide masterpieces. This is the second Del Toro movie in the Criterion Collection, the other being his fine debut film, Cronos. (Expect Pan’s Labyrinth some time in the next few years.)

Today, Mondo is releasing limited edition 18″ x 24″ screen prints of the beautiful, chiaroscuro cover art for both films. Hellboy creator Mike Mignola did the art for Cronos, which has a limited run of 185. B.P.R.D. artist Guy Davis did the art for The Devil’s Backbone, which has a limited run of 210. Both prints are $45.

Mondo will place the screen prints for sale at a random time today, so be sure to follow @MondoNews on Twitter to get your prints before they run out.

You can check out both of the posters in the gallery.

Hubert Vigilla
Brooklyn-based fiction writer, film critic, and long-time editor and contributor for Flixist. A booster of all things passionate and idiosyncratic.