Monthly Musing: Of sound mind


Welcome to May, everybody! Are you ready for the rain and clouds to go away and to get on with some serious springtime? I am. I’m also ready to read some more great posts from the community, so let’s check out the next topic that’ll help you get your writing on our front page.

I’m personally a huge fan of sound and music, so I’m interested to hear some of your thoughts on really great or really awful sound design. After all, sound can be as big of a part of your enjoyment of a film as any other element can. Whether the sound was really awesome, really terrible, or really weird, we want to know about it.

If you want your blog to be considered, write a blog called “Of sound mind: [Your title here]” and load it into our C Blogs. Make sure you post it live so everyone can see it! For some tips on how to make a really good blog, see this handy post over on our sister site Destructoid. Questions? Ask here in the comments or contact me through the site!